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Join the Relevate Defence Community and accelerate your Defence journey.

For Defence Industry organisations primed for business growth. Join the Defence area and get advice and guidance on how to approach the defence market.

  • Members are vetted for fit and security purposes
  • Defence Only Forum
  • Calendar of Defence events 
  • All Free and Government features

$174 per quarter

There are also annual plans available.

Check out the Relevate Community
- Apply to join the Defence area at the form below

Who is the Relevate Defence Community For?

Who is the Relevate Defence Community for?

The Relevate Defence Community is a bottom-up approach. It is designed to help small businesses to understand the large enterprise. This is a collaboration space for all stakeholders in the Defence Industry supply chain and is aimed at helping provide information around where to start, what is required and who the right connections are. You can goin if you are a small business just starting out, are in Government or a Defence Prime.

Who Can Join?

Who Can Join?

There is no classified materieals discussed in the community. Theoretically anyone could join however we are not accepting anyone outside the main coalition of Australia, UK, Canada, US and New Zealand. We are only accepting people with a legitimate interest in the Defence Intdustry, we are looking for quality not quantity.

How much does it cost?

How much does it cost?

The Relevate Defence Community is a paid membership. There are courses, forums and events. Membership fees go towards providing the infrastructure and administration. The latest membership rates are on the pricing table found here:

Memberships are on a per person and not on a corporate basis. The membership fees are set at around half the cost of other major industry organisations such as AIDN which charge an annual fee based on company turnover. 

There is also an affiliate program with a 50% ongoing commission so that your membership will effectively be free if you invite two other members that become paid. This is designed to help grow the community with the right people. Prospective members that are not the right fit will be rejected.